
Search For Users, Friends, Groups and Pages With Keywords Automatically

FBSearch, a come-in-handy Facebook search tool, enables marketers and influencers to find targeted and potential clients much easier. You can get a good deal of search results in no time without going through complicated procedures or investing plenty of time.

Login to accounts

Cookies login

Search for users, groups, friends, and pages.

You will be able to view the real-time data when running the task and you can also click log above to check history logs and export logs.

The Search results can be saved to local files, and you can fetch these data in other tools like FBPoster and FastAdder.

Batch Export Feature allows users to export search results to local path.



  • Multiple Sessions
  • Advanced task configuration
  • Ads free
  • Free Update
  • Free Support
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About Us

LikeSharer is released at the beginning of November 2021 by Followinglike team.

This tool is to gain points on the Social Exchange network AddMeFast and Followlike automatically. Gaining exposure on Social Media was never so easy!

LikeSharerTool is released at the beginning of 2022.

LikeSharerTool is a combination of 12 separate tools. You can get all of them in the box.

LikeSharerTool is definitely a short cut to speed up your online success!